Biografie Paul Van Dyk

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Genuri muzicale:
ElectroTechno / ElectroTRANCE

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Apparat  Marika  Seth Troxler  Alexandru Jijian  DJ Logan  Camil  Four Tet

Paul Matthias s-a nascut pe 16 Decembrie 1971 in Eisenhuettenstadt, in Germania de Est, si a crescut in Berlinul comunist. Prin intermediul Westside TV si posturilor de radio occidentale a reusit sa descopere o muzica interzisa, care l-a fascinat. Trupe ca New Order sau The Smiths se afla printre influentele majore ale artistului german, efectele revolutiei muzicale din Manchester si a clubului The Hacienda patrunzand pana in teritoriul comunist al Germaniei.

Similar Romaniei predecembriste, in comunitatea lui din Berlinul de Est nu exista o cultura de club, caderea Zidului aducand o invazie culturala, o multitudine de concepte, de imagini si de sunete. Techno-ul originar din Detroit a devenit foarte popular in Germania, era foarte energic, dar lui Paul i s-a parut ca ii lipsea ceva. Astfel si-a urmat propriul drum, cautand un stil unic si original, primele idei muzicale exprimandu-le cu ajutorul a doua pickup-uri vechi.

Paul van Dyk a fost ascultat pentru prima oara in martie 1991 in Tresor, clubul berlinez care a nascut generatii intregi de talente si a reprezentat leaganul muzicii electronice din Germania. Despre Tresor Paul spunea cu emotie ca va ramane mereu un loc special in sufletul lui.

Germanul s-a apucat In paralel si de productie, prima sa piesa fiind lucrata in 1992 alaturi de Harald Blchel (Cosmic Baby). Cosmic Baby, impreuna cu Kid Paul sub numele de Energy 52, au scos anul urmator la Eye Q Recordings clasica piesa trance Caf del mar. Tot in 1993 avea sa cunoasca succesul si Paul van Dyk, succes ce a venit cu remixul la Love Stimulation a trupei Humate, din care faceau parte la vremea respectiva Gerret Frerichs, Patrick Kjonberg si Oliver Huntemann (Kaycee, H-man, Huntemann).

Cu acest remix a inceput ascensiunea lui Paul van Dyk care in 1994 a devenit rezident al clubului E-Werk, unde a cunoscut si a mixat alaturi de invitati ca Nick Warren, Dave Seaman, Sasha sau BT. Tot in 1994 a produs si primul sau album numit 45 RPM, album ce reprezinta o imbinare de melodie si de ritm, cu piese mai linistite si mai atmosferice ca Emergency, A Magical Moment sau varianta initiala a piesei For An Angel, dar si cu sonoritati mai agresive si putin acide pe piese ca Spannung, Ooh! Lala! sau Pump This Party.

Tot in aceasta perioada a atras atentia prin numeroase remixuri, printre care si la Spooky a lui New Order, Remember, Blue Skies si Flaming June ale lui BT, la Sven Vth sau la The Age Of Love, si piesele lui s-au aflat pe mai multe compilatii, printre care si populara serie Trance Nation.

Primele productii ale lui Paul van Dyk au fost scoase la casa de discuri MFS din Berlin, si tot la MFS a aparut in 1996 si cel de-al doilea album, Seven Ways. Seven Ways reprezinta pentru artist o definire mult mai clara a stilului, un nivel al productiei superior precedentului, cu armonii profunde si mai complexe. Acest album a atras atentia internationala, ceea ce a dus la lansarea lui si in Anglia prin Deviant Records.

Ruptura de MFS s-a produs in 1999, dupa lansarea unei noi versiuni la For An Angel, piesa care a cunoscut un succes enorm. Atunci a pus bazele casei lui de discuri, Vandit Records, care a lansat in 1999 primul sau EP numit Another Way si semnat Paul van Dyk. Pe langa productiile PVD, Vandit a lansat succese ca Synaesthesia de la The Thrillseekers, Cristallo de la Cirillo si a sustinut artisti ca Nu NRG, Jose Amnesia, David Forbes sau Agnelli & Nelson. Ultimul release de la Vandit (Vandit 049) este EP-ul Second Day a lui Jose Amnesia cu Serp si a aparut pe 19 mai 2005.

Urmatorul album al lui Paul van Dyk, Out There And Back, aparut in 2000, ii definiteaza stilul, un trance melodios, vocal, cu multe influente din house si breakbeat. Pentru cele doua piese aparute ca single a avut colaborari cu St. Etienne si Jennifer Brown, iar pe Together We Will Conquer a folosit vocea sotiei lui Natasha.

Lumea s-a deschis treptat pentru artistul german si muzica lui a patruns in mainstream. In 2002, la cererea prim-ministrului mexican, a facut coloana sonoara a filmului Zurdo, regizat de Carlos Salcs, pentru care a primit echivalentul Oscarului in Mexic. A lansat un nou album in octombrie 2003, numit Reflections. Pe Reflections a colaborat cu nume ca Jan Johnston, Vega 4 sau Tomekk (DJ-ul german de hip-hop). Piesa Connected a fost aleasa tema a promotiei Motorola din anul respectiv, iar single-ul Nothing But You, lucrat impreuna cu Hemstock & Jennings, a fost remixat de Cirrus, de DJ Tomekk si de Faithless.

Au aparut apoi EP-urile Time Of Our Lives la sfarsitul lui 2003 si Crush la inceputul lui 2004, ultimul lui succes fiind colaborarea cu Peter Heppner, solistul de la Wolfscheim, care a lucrat si cu Schiller pentru Leben I Feel You. Wir Sind Wir se numeste aceasta noua piesa si este inspirata de caderea Zidului Berlinului, de inceputurile lui Paul van Dyk ca muzician
DJ si producator international, Paul Van Dyk a primit titlul de Best Music Maker (in 1999) si s-a mentinut constant intre primii DJ conform revistei englezesti DJ Mag. A fost votat Americas Favorite DJ in 2004 de catre BPM Magazine si a castigat in 2004 la Dancestar Awards 3 premii: pentru cel mai bun DJ international (din afara SUA), pentru cel mai bun eveniment (live-ul de la Summerstage 2003) si pentru cea mai buna muzica intr-o reclama (la Motorola).

Text by Vania
45 Remixes Per Minute (10") MFS 1994
45 RPM (2xLP) MFS 1994
45 RPM (CD) MFS 1994
45 RPM - The Limited Edition Double CD (2xCD) MFS 1994
45 RPM -The Special Spanish EP Version (12") Max Music (Spain) 1994
Pumpin' (CD, Maxi) MFS, Rough Trade Germany 1994
Pumpin' (12") MFS 1994
Pumpin' (12") Max Music (Spain) 1994
The Green Valley E.P. (CD, Maxi) MFS 1994
The Green Valley EP (12") MFS 1994
Club European Vol. 2 (10") MFS 1995
Don't Imitate - Innovate! (12") Not On Label 1995
Emergency (The Remixes) (CD, Maxi) MFS 1995
Emergency (The Remixes) (12") MFS 1995
My World (12") Max Music (Spain) 1995
Beautiful Place (12") Deviant Records 1996
Beautiful Place (CD, Maxi) MFS 1996
Beautiful Place (12") MFS 1996
Beautiful Place (CD, Maxi) Addiction Records 1996
Beautiful Place (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1996
Beautiful Place (Salt Tank Remix) (12") Deviant Records 1996
Seven Ways (2xCD) MFS 1996
Seven Ways (2x12") MFS 1996
Seven Ways (Promo) (CD) MFS 1996
Seven Ways - Special Limited Edition Double CD (2xCD) MFS 1996
Forbidden Fruit (12") MFS 1997
Forbidden Fruit (2x12") Deviant Records 1997
Forbidden Fruit (12") Deviant Records 1997
Forbidden Fruit (12") NEC Records 1997
Forbidden Fruit (CD, Maxi) NEC Records 1997
Forbidden Fruit (12") Made In DJ 1997
Forbidden Fruit (CD 1) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1997
Forbidden Fruit (CD 2) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1997
Forbidden Fruit (Part 1) (CD, Maxi) MFS 1997
Forbidden Fruit (Part 2) (CD, Maxi) MFS 1997
Seven Ways (CD) Deviant Records 1997
Seven Ways (Australian Limited Edition) (2xCD) Shock (Australia) 1997
Seven Ways (Limited Edition) (2xCD) Deviant Records 1997
Words (CD, Maxi) MFS 1997
Words (12") NEC Records 1997
Words (12") Deviant Records 1997
Words (12") Deviant Records 1997
Words (CD 1) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1997
Words (CD 2) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1997
Words (Part 1) (12") MFS 1997
Words (Part 2) (CD, Maxi) MFS 1997
Words (Part 2) (12") MFS 1997
Words (Promo) (2x12") Deviant Records 1997
45 RPM (CD) Deviant Records 1998
45 RPM (CD) Mute Corporation (US) 1998
45 RPM (2xLP) Deviant Records 1998
For An Angel (12") Deviant Records 1998
For An Angel (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1998
For An Angel (CD, Maxi) Rough Trade Germany 1998
For An Angel (12") 541 1998
For An Angel (CD, Single) 541 1998
For An Angel (CD, Maxi) 541 1998
For An Angel (12") Orbit-A 1998
For An Angel (12") Milk'n Honey 1998
For An Angel (12") BMG (France) 1998
For An Angel '98 (12") Deviant Records 1998
For An Angel '98 (12") Deviant Records 1998
For An Angel '98 (12") Deviant Records 1998
For An Angel (Remixes) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1998
Seven Ways (2xCD) Mute Corporation (US) 1998
Vorsprung Dyk Technik (2xCD) Deviant Records 1998
Vorsprung Dyk Technik (Remixes 92-98) (3xCD) Deviant Records 1998
Words / For An Angel Rmxs (12") Mute Corporation (US) 1998
Another Way (12") Vandit Records 1999
Another Way (12") Vandit Records 1999
Another Way (PvD Sessions Mixes 1 & 2) (12") Deviant Records 1999
Another Way / Avenue (CD, Maxi) Addiction Records 1999
Another Way / Avenue (12") Vandit Records 1999
Another Way / Avenue (CD, Maxi) Vandit Records 1999
Another Way / Avenue (12") Deviant Records 1999
Another Way / Avenue (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 1999
Another Way / Avenue (12") Mute Corporation (US) 1999
Another Way / Avenue (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1999
Another Way / Avenue (12") Milk'n Honey 1999
Another Way / Avenue (2x12") Deviant Records 1999
Another Way / Avenue (12") Urban 1999
Another Way / Avenue (12") Electropolis 1999
Another Way / Avenue (Mixed) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 1999
Another Way / Avenue Mixed (CD, Enh) Vandit Records 1999
Avenue (Promo) (12") Deviant Records 1999
Avenue (Promo) (12") Mute Corporation (US) 1999
Namistai (12") Not On Label 1999
Seven Ways (2xLP) Deviant Records 1999
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (12") Universal Records 1999
Another Way (12") Mute Corporation (US) 2000
Namastai (Promo) (12") Not On Label 2000
Out There And Back (2xCD) Deviant Records 2000
Out There And Back (CD + CD, Enh) Shock (Australia) 2000
Out There And Back (4xLP) Vandit Records 2000
Out There And Back (2xCD) Vandit Records 2000
Out There And Back (4xLP + Box) Deviant Records 2000
Out There And Back (CD) Deviant Records 2000
Out There And Back (CD + CD, Enh) Mute Corporation (US) 2000
Out There And Back (CD) Vandit Records 2000
Out There And Back (2xCD) Enter Records 2000
Out There And Back (2xCD) Avex Asia Ltd. 2000
Out There And Back / Pikes (12") Deviant Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (12") Deviant Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (CD, Maxi) Vandit Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (12") Deviant Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (2x12") Mute Corporation (US) 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (CD, Maxi) Insolent Tracks 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (CD, Maxi) Avex Asia Ltd. 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (CD, Maxi) Addiction Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (12") Wild! Entertainment 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (2x12") Vandit Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (12") Insolent Tracks 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (12") Deviant Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (2x12") Vandit Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (CD1) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (CD2) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (Promo) (12") Vandit Records 2000
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (Promo) (12") Mute Corporation (US) 2000
We Are Alive (12") Deviant Records 2000
We Are Alive (12") Mostiko 2000
We Are Alive (12") Vandit Records 2000
We Are Alive (CD, Maxi) Urban 2000
We Are Alive (12") Wild! Entertainment 2000
We Are Alive (CD, Maxi) Avex Trax 2000
We Are Alive (12") Deviant Records 2000
We Are Alive (2x12") Mute Corporation (US) 2000
We Are Alive (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 2000
We Are Alive (2x12") Vandit Records 2000
We Are Alive (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 2000
We Are Alive (CD, Maxi) Addiction Records 2000
We Are Alive (CD 2) (CD, Maxi) Urban 2000
We Are Alive (CD1) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 2000
We Are Alive (CD2) (CD, Maxi) Deviant Records 2000
We Are Alive (CD2) (CD, Maxi) Wild! Entertainment 2000
We Are Alive (Promo) (12") Deviant Records 2000
We Are Alive (Promo) (12") Deviant Records 2000
We Are Alive (Vandit Mixes) (12") Deviant Records 2000
Columbia EP (2x12") Mute Corporation (US) 2001
Columbia EP (2x12") Deviant Records 2001
Columbia EP (2x12") Vandit Records 2001
Columbia EP (CD, Maxi) Vandit Records 2001
Columbia EP (12") Wild! Entertainment 2001
Columbia EP (CD, Maxi) Vandit Records 2001
Columbia EP (CD, Maxi) Addiction Records 2001
Columbia EP (12") Vandit Records 2001
Columbia EP (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 2001
Columbia EP (Limited Edition) (CD) Matrix Musik 2001
We Are Alive (2x12") Vandit Records 2001
Animacion (CD, Maxi) Universal Records 2002
Columbia EP (12") Deviant Records 2002
Columbia EP (CD) Deviant Records 2002
Vorsprung Dyk Technik (Remixes 92-98) (Re-release) (2xCD) Deviant Records 2002
Zurdo (CD) Universal Records 2002
Zurdo (Soundtrack Original De La Pelicula) (Edicion Limitada) (2xCD) Universal Records 2002
Crush (CDr) Vandit Records 2003
Global (CD + DVD) Mute Corporation (US) 2003
Global (DVD) Urban 2003
Global (DVD) Positiva 2003
Global (DVD + CD) (CD + DVD) Urban 2003
Nothing But You (12") Vandit Records 2003
Nothing But You (CD, Maxi) Urban 2003
Nothing But You (12") Mute Corporation (US) 2003
Nothing But You (12") Positiva 2003
Nothing But You (12") ID&T 2003
Nothing But You (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 2003
Nothing But You (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2003
Nothing But You (12") Positiva 2003
Nothing But You (12") Positiva 2003
Nothing But You (CD, Maxi) ID&T 2003
Nothing But You (CD, Maxi) Addiction Records 2003
Nothing But You (CD, Maxi) ID&T 2003
Nothing But You (CD1) (CD, Enh) Positiva 2003
Nothing But You (CD2) (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2003
Nothing But You (Faithless Remix) (12") Vandit Records, Vandit Records 2003
Reflections (CD) Positiva 2003
Reflections (CD) Urban 2003
Reflections (CD) Mute Corporation (US) 2003
Reflections (CD) Shock (Australia) 2003
Reflections (CD) Universal TV 2003
Reflections (2xCD) Superb Trax 2003
Reflections (SACD) Urban 2003
Reflections (Album Sampler) (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2003
Reflections (Promo) (CD) Mute Corporation (US) 2003
Reflections (Special Asian Edition) (2xCD) Avex Asia Ltd. 2003
Reflections (Special Asian Edition) (2xCD) Avex Taiwan Inc. 2003
Time Of Our Lives (12") ID&T 2003
Time Of Our Lives (12") Popular Records 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (12") Vandit Records 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (12") Positiva 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (12") Mute Corporation (US) 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (12") Positiva 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (CD, Maxi) Urban 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (CD, Maxi) Universal TV 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (12") Positiva 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (CD, Maxi) Addiction Records 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (CD, Maxi) Stockholm Records 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (12") Positiva 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (CD, Maxi) Urban 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (CD, Single) Positiva 2003
Time Of Our Lives / Connected (Promo) (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2003
Crush (12") Vandit Records 2004
Crush (2x12") Positiva 2004
Crush (12") Positiva 2004
Crush (CDr) Positiva 2004
Crush (12") Positiva 2004
Crush (CD, Maxi) Urban 2004
Crush (CD, Enh) Positiva 2004
Crush (12") Mute Corporation (US) 2004
Crush (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 2004
Crush (DJ Hyper Remix) (12") Positiva 2004
Crush (Funk D'Void Remix) (12") Positiva 2004
Crush (Promo) (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2004
Crush (Promo) (12") ID&T 2004
Crush (Remixes) (Promo) (12") Positiva 2004
Re-Reflections (CD) Urban 2004
Reflections (Special Asian Edition) (2xCD) Avex Asia Ltd. 2004
Reflections (Special Edition) (2xLP) Vandit Records 2004
Reflections (Special Edition) (2xLP) Mute Corporation (US) 2004
Reflections (Special Edition) (2xCD) Shock (Australia) 2004
Reflections (Special Edition) (2xCD) Mute Corporation (US) 2004
Reflections (Special Edition) (2xLP) Positiva 2004
Reflections (UK Release) (2xLP) Positiva 2004
Reflections (UK Special Edition) (2xCD) Positiva 2004
Reflections (UK Special Edition) (Promo) (CDr) Positiva 2004
Time Of Our Lives (Promo) (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 2004
Wir Sind Wir (12") Urban, Universal Music Domestic Division 2004
Wir Sind Wir (CD, Enh) Universal Music Domestic Division 2004
Wir Sind Wir (Promo) (CD, Maxi) Universal Music Domestic Division 2004
Wir Sind Wir (Wunder Von Bern Special Edition) (CD, Maxi) Universal Music Domestic Division 2004
For An Angel (12") Vandit Records 2005
The Other Side (12") Vandit Records 2005
The Other Side (12") High Contrast Recordings (2) 2005
The Other Side (CD, Maxi) Mute Corporation (US) 2005
The Other Side (12") Vandit Records 2005
The Other Side (2x12") Mute Corporation (US) 2005
The Other Side (12") Positiva 2005
The Other Side (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2005
The Other Side (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2005
The Other Side (CD, Maxi) Addiction Records 2005
The Other Side (CD, Maxi) Universal Music Domestic Division 2005
The Other Side (Promo Disc 1 of 2) (12") Positiva 2005
The Other Side (Promo Disc 2 of 2) (12") Positiva 2005
The Other Side (Promo) (CD, Maxi) Positiva 2005
Wir Sind Wir (Ein Deutschlandlied) (CD, Maxi) Universal Music Domestic Division 2005
The Other Side (The New Remixes) (12") Cube 2006

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